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Get Naked in Strasbourg

Strasbourg—you’ve probably never heard of it. It’s okay. I hadn’t either.

However, it is a beautiful, Pinterest-worthy town in France, located right near the France/ Germany border...literally, we walked from Germany to France this morning. *checks being in two countries at one time off of bucket list*

It’s a town that France and Germany played hot potato with for many years, meaning France owned it, then Germany owned it, then France stole it back etc. But today it is considered French... for now.

While walking along the streets of Strasbourg, you can expect river lined, pastel colored homes, a magnificent cathedral right smack in the middle of town, and plenty of tempting pastry shops. And if you’re lucky you might witness a naked guy letting everything hang out on his balcony like we did. Ooo la la!

When in town, try kougelhopf, a sweet bread about the size of your head. It almost looks like a giant upside down muffin and can easily be found in all of the bakeries. While you’re at it, also try the Tarte Flambee, a pizza-like dough smothered in sour cream, cheese, onions, and ham. Yum!




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