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Hola, Argentina!

Let’s be honest, a 4:45 am wake up call never sounds fun. However, today my 4:45am wakeup call was filled with glaciers, snow-capped mountains, and the sunrise all while entering a new country—Argentina. If that doesn’t get you up at 4:45am, then I don’t know what will! As approaching Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, I could tell I was going to like it... and my gut feeling was correct.

Before exploring the town itself, we made our way to Tierra Del Fuego National Park. We headed down the narrow dirt path to Ensenada Bay, located off the Beagle Channel. On one side there were forests so green it felt as though a leprechaun might pop out, while the other side provided panoramic views of the mountains and the gleaming blue water.

Next, we headed to Lago Acicami, also located in Tierra Del Fuego. As we arrived, the weather suddenly changed and the wind grew stronger and stronger to the point that it almost took us to the ground. Not even joking. It was brutal. This weather had us excited to head to the visitor center to defrost for a little while. Also at the visitor center, they had a stairs up to a platform overlooking the beautiful mountains.

From here, we headed back into the quaint town of Ushuaia, which highly resembles an Alaskan village. We did a little shopping, where mom accidentally spent too much on a Christmas ornament [new currency strugz] and then we ate at a little café. I had a breaded steak, also known as Milanesa, covered with ham, cheese, and tomatoes—a dish well known in Argentina. It was DELICIOUS!

The storm clouds rolled in and the rain wasn’t too far behind. After we finished up eating, we made a run for it back to the ship before the light sprinkle turned into a downpour. As we were about to leave Ushuaia, the sun started to peak through and a double rainbow appeared!




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