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Chilly in Chile

Today, we became one with the penguins on Magdalena Island. In order to reach the island, we took a 2-hour ferry ride from our tendered point of Punta Arenas, Chile. During the ride, we saw a couple of spouts of water from whales, which lead to a flood of people running from one side of the ferry to the other.

Once we reached the island, we were greeted by loads of penguins that were so cute, I just wanted to pick them up and put them in my pocket to bring home.

Since the island is a natural penguin reserve, all that separates you from the thousands of penguins is one tiny rope. They will even waddle under the rope and cross right in front of you! They were very entertaining little guys—peeping in and out of their nests, waddling about, and swimming in the sea

After we spent some time with the penguins, we hopped on the ferry and headed back to Punta Arenas. We stopped in the town and wandered around a bit, popping into some stores. In the town square they had a market with many local artisits, including one that transformed an old bus into a gift shop! They had some really cool and funky things including sweaters made of alpaca wool, which were SO soft and suprisingly affordable. Following our market adventure, we found a place to eat and then headed back to the ship.




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