Bibs on, Butter Melted, Get Crackin'-- Acadia National Park, Maine
We started off our second day in Acadia with a hike up the south bubble trail to bubble rock. Bubble rock is a 50-ton boulder sitting right on the edge of a cliff providing panoramic views of the park. Luckily we got to the top of the trail right before the fog moved in.

Next we made our way to the Jordan Pond House, which is known for their afternoon tea, popovers, and lobster stew. After adding our name to the waitlist, we walked around Jordan Pond, which looked eerie with the fog looming over it. Then we got called and ate our hot popovers and buttery lobster stew and drank blueberry tea and a blueberry mojito.

Stuffed and happy, we waddled our way over to the ocean path to burn off some calories from our delicious meal. We walked along the raging, fog-covered sea, climbing on and off of rocks and walking through the forest. The fog was increasing making it difficult to see, so we went to Bar Harbor. We got ice cream and sat on a bench watching the ships close by and relaxing.

Finally, the sun started to peak out from under the clouds and the fog started to burn off. We quickly drove up to Cadillac Mountain in hopes that we would finally get to witness the beauty it provides. Sure enough we got to the top and it was CLEAR! Yay! It was absolutely amazing. The bright blue water and the islands in the near distance were truly a sight to see. We stayed up there quite a bit and climbed all over the rocks to really soak up the sight.

For dinner we headed to the Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound. We got in line and a worker opened up the cooler and it was full of live lobsters just caught that morning. He asked us which one we wanted and mom pointed and he put it in a bag and out to cook. Then about 15 minutes later we tied on our bibs, got out the butter, and started crackin’. So fresh and delicious.
