How Africa Changed Me.

1.) I am more Adventurous- each day there was a new opportunity for adventure. Whether I was trying to find a way around all the warthogs to get in my tent, attempting to hand-wash and hang dry my clothes, or even trying new foods, everything was an adventure.
2.) I have a different perspective on Africa- Africa is generally stereotyped as “one large plain full of all sorts of animals roaming around in the scorching heat that exists all year round”. In actuality, it is a gorgeous place full of all different terrains.. from mountains to oceans, from plains to lush green grassy areas. And boy is the statement about it being hot all the time FALSE! I was wearing yoga pants, sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt, and 3 jackets and I was still FREEZING at night. Not to forget it did hail at one point in our trip.
3.) There is more to life than material items- The people in South Africa, Swaziland, and Lesotho really know what life is about. Especially in Swaziland. In Swaziland, although they make less than $1USD a day, they still manage to be so happy. Actually the happiest people I have ever seen. They smile, run up to you and hug you, are so trusting, just all out happy. Meanwhile they have barely anything which really makes me think..
4.) I learned a lot about myself- You figure out your likes and dislikes. I figured out I really like hiking (even if they are tough hikes.. cough cough Tiger Falls) I figured out I like camping, but can only handle it for a certain amount of time before I am ready to be in a real bed. Additionally I have developed new skills. I have picked up the skill of being able to randomly start a conversation with people. How to be on my toes and aware of my surroundings. I am continually becoming more and more independent.