Life Changing Moment in South Africa.
Today we again woke up and took the Citibus to the Hop-on Hop-off bus. We took the bus to Long Street where Kaede Ray, Crysten, and I walked around. We also did a little shopping at the Green Market Square before heading back to the bus stop.
Next stop: Kirstenbosch- a beautiful garden. Once we got off the bus we immediately went into the gardens and found a place to eat called Mayo. It was pretty good. I had a steak roll with chips. Following that we had a short amount of time to walk around and admire the beauty of the gardens with the view of Table Mountain in the background.

Next stop: The Township. This is where my life changed. We were immediately greeted there by a man named Kenny who introduced himself like, “Kenny is my name and guiding is my game”. This was a very emotional tour. It was very sad to actually SEE with my own two eyes how some people live. It was hard for me not to break down in tears. One of the houses we were allowed in. It was more like a shed then a house. Their entire space is as big as my room and it is shared among 6 people. They don’t have a bathroom either. They have to walk to use the bathroom. So sometimes they just go in the streets when they don’t want to walk that far.

Kenny took us to a pub where the nightlife in the township is. All it is is a room with a pool table in it and a juke box with a window (like a drive thru window) with a gate on it where the drinks are held behind. Kenny put on his favorite song for us then danced happily. We walked out of the pub and to an area where kids were playing soccer with old tires as goals. As we were on our way though we passed a truck with meat hanging off of it. Then as we continued in the back of the truck was a full COW HEAD. I repeat A COW HEAD. Like someone just took a giant sword and swung at the neck of a cow. My stomach was turning at this point. I know we eat our meat from cows too, but for their meat to be exposed outside in an area where humans use the bathroom and where flies swarm it. I couldnt handle actually seeing that. As we continued walking, a little girl ran up to me and hugged my leg. I can’t get her out of my mind since that day. She hugged me then I reached down to hug her back and she started playing with my hair since it’s blondish and they never see blondes. She was smiling and looking at my camera so I asked if she wanted a picture. One of my friends took the camera and took our picture and I showed it to her after. She kept pointing to it and smiling. I remember Cardi telling us they don’t normally see themselves because they can’t afford mirrors. So when they do get to see themselves they are so happy. This just brightened my day so much.

Finally we arrived at the kids playing soccer. We watched them a bit and then headed to a preschool at the township. This preschool is barbed wired in. We got to see the inside and learn a couple words, but sadly I don’t remember them. I’m terrible at learning new languages.. even attempting. Overall, this township tour was a lot to take in. We hopped back on the bus and I was pretty silent on the way back just taking in what I saw.

We made it back to the house and decided to go to dinner at a place next to Bugatti’s called “Pirate’s Bar and Grill”. I had a drink called a “Mermaid’s Orgasm” (okay…) and I had the chicken and calamari combo to eat. Then Crysten and I were planning to go to the Spar to get some snacks for later, but once we got there we found out it was closed. So we headed back to the Pirate’s Grill to meet up with the group again, but first Crysten had to mark her territory as always by peeing on the tire of some guys car. Yup. At least we won’t see them again..