Exploring Cape Town

Today we took the citibus back into Cape Town to pick up the CitySightseeing bus to explore the city a bit more. Once we found the location of where to hop on the bus, we had a bit of time to go grab a hot drink. Jess, Kaede Ray, and I went to this little cafe and got our drinks. Little did we know they would take FOREVER to make our drinks. We saw the bus sitting there and had to grab our full drinks and sprint to the bus, spilling them all over ourselves. Hot drinks all over body= not happy Emily. But we are in S. Africa, I can’t dwell on a little hot chocolate spill. We made it to the bus also so that was good. We took the bus to the V&A waterfront where we were transferring to a CitySightseeing boat. It was a short little boat ride where we got to see fancy yachts and nice apartments where supposedly Oprah and Madonna once owned one. Once we returned to land we hopped back onto the bus where we drove to the Bo-Kapp area. It was a district full of all different colored homes. I don’t get how you can not be happy seeing these bright homes. It just brought a smile to my face. The reason the houses are so full of color is because when there was a lot of slavery in S. Africa, they were forced to wear dark colors, where as now they paint their homes super colorful since they’re free and want to celebrate with happy, lively colors!

We went to the Bo-Kapp museum first, which I was surprised was a museum. It was very small. Only 4 tiny rooms that not even all 12 of us could fit in. We learned a bit about the Bo-Kapp area and then headed to lunch across the street. It was a mixture of different foods because that is what this district is known for. We had rice, these flour tortilla looking things, chicken curry, and so much more. It was pretty good, but we did family style so there wasn’t very much for all of us. From here we hopped back on the bus and headed for Table Mountain. The bus kept taking us up and up and the view kept getting better and better. We had the option to hike it, but let’s be real.. no one wanted to do another hike. We were all hiked out.. except Michael and Kaede Ray. They hiked it (and later told us it was straight up). The rest of us took the cable car up. It was quite cool. They piled 65 people in one cable car and the whole thing started to spin 360 degrees once we were in it so all of us could see the view. It was a little claustrophobic in there though. Once we made it to the top I was in awe. Definitely one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen in my life. We took a bunch of pictures. I stood on a couple rocks and just admired the view until it was time to go back down in the cable car.

Once at the bottom we caught the bus back to Hout Bay where some of us went to Bugatti’s (the Italian place) for some bruschetta, calzones, and wifi. Then we headed back to the house. I went to be super early since I’m starting to feel sick.