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Beanies, Penguins, and The Cape of Good Hope

Today we woke up and got ready to meet our tour guide to show us around the Cape! Her name was Bianca. She first took us to the markets at Hout Bay. Crysten, Krista, and I all got matching South African hats after negotiating with a guy who was toughy to break, but we ended up each getting a hat for $3. Ahh warmth!

Next Stop: PENGUINS!! Yay. They were so cute. They were in bushes, on the beach, under the deck. EVERYWHERE! And they would waddle to the sea until the wave would come and knock them back. Rawr! I just wanted to take one and put it in my pocket.

Next Stop: Cape point! I’ve nonstop heard about the Cape of Good Hope since I was in middle school, so this is an exciting day. We arrived at the gates and drove a bit then we were let off to ride bikes to our lunch destination. Bianca made us lunch- sandwiches with tzatziki and pasta salad. We continued on the bikes and rode to the Cape of Good Hope. It was beautiful and not that busy because it is an off season. There were rocks, ocean, and grass. Everything. We hiked to the top of a big rock (straight up huffing and puffing), but at least it was a shorter distance than Tiger Falls AKA death hike. Once we made it up and looked around it was so worth it. I didnt want to come down. I waited until that last second to get back on the van. We drove the van to the Cape Point lighthouse. Another hike up. Then back to Hout Bay we go. On the way back, Jess asked Bianca is she had to choose what was her favorite time period in S. African history. She said in 2010 during the world cup. She said S. Africa finally felt united. All the colors were all over the streets. There was so much pride and it was nothing like she had experienced before. Now everyone continues to have that united mindset. What also fascinated me was that she said most people our age want to forget about the Apartheid era. They want to move forward with it and not live in the past. It shouldnt effect our generation as much since we want equality now, we don’t want to see separation.

Once back at Hout Bay, the guys made burgers for all of us with some bacon and potatoes. Yummm




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