Cape Town
Today we caught a bus at 9am to Cape Town. We got bus cards, which I felt super fancy for having.. don’t know why.. Once we got to Cape Town our first stop was a McDonalds to get something warm because it was cold and rainy. I got a hashbrown and some hot chocolate (#2 of the day). We left and walked to the Cape Castle from here. I still don’t know the significance of the castle to this day.. kind of bad.. but we didn’t have a guided tour and had little time in the castle, so I didn’t read very much. There was a huge dining room and a torture chamber that caught my eye. The dining room was one long table that sat probably about 100 people. GIGANTIC! You would have to shout from one end to the other to hear each other. After the castle we headed to the District 6 museum. This was the coolest, most fascinating museum we have seen yet. You walk in and there were so many street names on a giant map as the floor, and quotes. What I liked most about it is how all the words are from real people and their real stories. That is how I connect the most. The one story I read that got me the most was about this guy who just got engaged and the picture showed the entire family frowning. It was because that would be the last picture they would take in that house because they were taking away District 6 and were forced to move out like many.

After this museum we went to the Slave Lodge. We watched a video at the beginning in one room and then walked around. I liked the music room the best. I listened to some of the music and it was interesting. Since the government controlled all the media, people made songs to express the real truth of what was going on. So cool! On our way out we stopped at a coffee shop called “Mother Cuppa” (ha) to get some hot chocolate (#3 of the day).

Next stop: Green Market Square; I was so successful shopping here. I got a cute backpack and some pants! woo! It started to pour after buying my items. So we ran to find the bus back to Hout Bay. Once we got back to Hout Bay Kaede Ray and I went to find some wine. I bought some wine and Amarula (to bring home). We went back to the house and had some dinner. I had my #4 hot chocolate of the day with some amarula in it. Delicious!