Plettenberg Bay, South Africa
This morning we got up to frost on our tents. I woke up earlier since it was too cold to sleep. So wrapped in my blanket I sat by the non-existent fire. It was just smoking, no flames. Once everyone got up we were on our way to the worlds highest bungee jump. No.. I didn’t jump. Our teachers wouldn’t allow that, nor would I do it on my own, but some people did walk on the bridge to the area where people do jump from. Meanwhile, I just sat in a cafe with my friends, corrina, from Switzerland, drinking hot chocolate. It was cool though, because in the cafe you could view the people jumping off. They had a tv of close ups on the people. Those poor souls! Once everyone got back, we were back on Marvin on our way to Plettenburg Bay!

We had a short amount of time in Plettenburg bay to look around and shop at the market. The clouds were rolling in though and we could tell it was about to pour. We were originally going to eat lunch on the beach, but since the rain came, we ate sandwiches on the bus… But we did so overlooking the ocean! We actually saw a whale tail from the bus!

After that we stopped at a mall where some people got off to shop. Crysten, Jamika, and I stayed on the bus and caught up on our International Relations readings. (we were having class later, which involved a discussion). Once everyone came back we headed to the.. Wait for it.. HOTEL! We are staying in a hotel! We got there and it was so nice. We were offered some fancy juice upon our arrival. Although we had class for a couple hours in the hotel lobby, it couldn’t dampen the thought that I was sleeping in a real bed tonight.
After class, we all jammed into Cardi’s room for dinner. It was kind of like a shepherds pie. Delicious! Probably my favorite dinner she has prepared thus far. Then I went back to my room and took a long burning hot shower. Finally a hot shower! Yes! now I’m planning on sleeping like a baby in this warm bed tonight!