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I Saw a Dead Elephant. I almost Cried.

The bus ride today was very long. Our first stop was at the gas station. We pulled up and I noticed a long line at the ATM. It turns out the first of every month is everyone’s pay day. So everyone lines up at the ATMs to get money. I just ran into the gas station and got a P.S. bar. Took my first bite out of it and it was EXPIRED. AGAIN! I am so mad. I really need to learn how to check the expiration dates on stuff. We got back on the bus and continued on. Had a little bit of class on the bus as usual. Then we made it to Addo Elephant Park. The first animals we saw were.. warthogs.. what? Where are the elephants? But then we finally saw them! Lots of them! and babys too! So cute! It makes me miss my poodles!

We were driving along admiring the elephants and then we came across a DEAD ELEPHANT.. what? We were thinking maybe it was poached, but the tusk was still there. Boyd told us that elephants just drop when they die. Their legs cant support them anymore. So sad :(.

After leaving Addo, we headed for our campsite. We had to set up our tents in the dark, but luckily, we have become pros over the course of the last couple weeks so we could easily put them up. The campsite had a cute little sitting area that was decorated in Christmas lights with a fire. We all gathered around the fire and I became besties with Pedro, the owners jack russell terrior. He sat on my lap. It was so cute because he would shiver and get closer to me on my lap. Rawr! We ate dinner around the fire. It was a yummy rice dish. After dinner I went to take a shower. Crysten was also going to take one (there were 2 showers). We both turned the water on and it was a little cold trickle. So Crysten turned hers off and stood their frozen, while I took mine, then I did the same while she took hers. We were SO cold.




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