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Abby the Tamed Giraffe of Cintsa.

Today we woke up at 7am and got ready to go quad-biking (a fancy name for four wheeling) in a game reserve. It was my first time on an ATV. It was quite easy to figure out how to drive it, but some of the bumps we went over were kind of scary! Also I felt like I was going to tip over on some of the sharps curves. ekk! I would probably fall into a pile of Zebra shit.

We saw some Impala (AKA McDonald’s since they have “M"s on their butts and there are so many of them), zebras, and a tamed giraffe named Abby. Casual. What happened was Abby’s mom was poached when he (yes a he with the name Abby) was just a baby. Areena took Abby in and raised him. We got so close to him we even got to pet him.

He is kind of like a GIANT dog! So cute. Our guide told us that we had to get off the ATVs when we approached Abby because he thinks he is Captain Morgan and will put his long leg up on the ATV. haha. I wanted to take him back with me… if only a giraffe would fit on the plane. He loved us so much though. We would continue ATVing in the reserve and he would just pop up out of nowhere following us. At one point we even looked back and he was running down the hill chasing us! Let me tell you. A giraffe running down a hill is the funniest thing I think I have ever seen! It was hilarious!

Once we got back from four-wheeling, we just chilled at camp. Crysten and I did laundry, then all of us went to the Areena restaurant and ate a burger- REAL FOOD!! Mine had an egg and bacon on it too- Rookery style. Then we got wifi.. You know first world things- Jumped on a trampoline, watched some gossip girl on Crysten’s laptop.




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