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Shots! Shots! Shots!

Candlelight breakfast round 2. Then we hit the road to Cintsa. After driving a while we stopped at a mall for lunch. We ate at Derogos, a fast food restaurant. I had chicken fingers and fries! nom! Nothing like at home, but still it satisfied my craving temporarily. And get this.. It was only $2.90!! After the mall we headed to the campsite. Pulling up we saw ostriches, cats, peacocks, you name it, running around.

We set up our tents right along a river. It was really pretty. I went to reception and bought a bottle of wine. They made their own wine there so I decided to try it- why not? It was pretty good. I drank the whole bottle myself . I also ate some of my bread I bought at the Pick-N-Pay with some cheese. Then we all went to the bar. We tried this shot called a SpringBok shot.. named after the deer like critter. It was good. It was peppermint liquor and amarula together. Tasty! Then we all went to dinner. Tonight was the first meal I wasnt fond of. It was some sausage (which normally I love, but not S. Africa sausage), paps which looks like mashed potatoes, but has a weird texture, and corn on the cob, which was the only thing I ate. So I grabbed my P.S. bar from the bus and ate that too. After dinner we went back to the bar. Then Crysten and I escaped to go to sleep at like 8pm. haha. We are such grandmas!




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