Ahh! We got to sleep in.. until 8:30 at least! And We woke up to the smell of Bacon! Sweet Jesus! Bacon! AND we got to keep up our tents because we are staying in them another night here! Triple YES! We decided to go on a hike today led by Boyd through the village in Swaziland. I was stoked because it was our first time not having to ride in the bus for today. We started walking on the rocky, dirt path. We saw a pack of zebras and got so close to them. It was amazing!

We continued on walking up and down paths spotting many animals including the largest crocodile I’ve ever seen. We walked past the village where we passed many cute children! I swear the people of Swaziland are the happiest people I have ever seen!
We walked on and stopped under a couple trees to eat our lunch prepared ahead of time by Cardi. It was a tuna sandwich with an apple. Very good! We then walked up a hill and headed back to the campsite. We passed people washing their clothes in rivers or even in puddles. We got lost on the way back and it took forever! We were sweating so much because it was in the 70s today, which with the African sun is soo hot! I can’t imagine what it is like in the Summer here. We finally made it back to the entrance to our camp but still had a while to go. Crysten, Jamika, Christian, Jess, and I took another path then the others who were taking a break. We just wanted to make it back already! We ended up taking an even longer way back.. ughhh. So we were all dying. At this point we were way over the hike. Jess threw up, we were so sweaty, and our feet were killing us.

We finally made it back to camp after a couple miles and Crysten and I headed straight to the washer and dryer. We haven’t done laundry in forever, so there was finally a place with one! We had to go to the main lodge to get a token to use the washer and dryer. I decided to just buy a token to dry and I would handwash my clothes. Well it is a lot harder then it seems. It opened my eyes so much more. Normally these people wash their clothes this way. They don’t have an option where as when I get home I will get to wash and dry my clothes in machines. I put my stuff in the dryer multiple times, but it wouldnt dry! And the tokens were a pain because the machines had difficulty accepting them. I went to find the guy at the reception to help us and (by this time it was dark) I almost ran into a pack of warthogs again. STRUGZZ. Once I finally made it to reception I got him to come help us. As we were waking he was asking me questions like where I was from. He knew Georgia liked country music. So I asked him what his favorite music was. He said BABY-MAKING MUSIC. What?? Are all the people at this lodge horny? ha. After that experience I was ready to take a shower and go to bed!