I Pet a Cheetah. Casual.
Stop 1: Moholoholo Rehab Center- One word: Spectacular! I love animals so much so it was great to learn how they rescue them and save them later to hopefully release them in the wild. Upon arrival we were greeted by a giraffe just walking around. We named him Jeffery and took loads of selfies with him! It is the closest I’ve ever been to a giraffe (2nd fav after the elephant because we get each other- both tall). Then we made our way into a sitting area where we listened to Oscar, the guide, tell us about the rehab center and the FACT THAT WE WERE GOING TO PET A CHEETAH! Oh my gosh! The trainer was there and he walked the cheetah out on a leash.. just like I would walk my dogs at home. Then there was a table sitting there and the cheetah jumped up. We all got in a line and got to pet him. I was freaking out on the inside and outside.. but silently so the cheetah wouldnt get mad and bite me.. now that would be some story.

After the cheetah we saw all sorts of animals including hyenas which were surprisingly cute, honey-badgers which were sooo smelly, and lions which were HUGE! It still amazes me that only a small little fence was separating us between the lions. Oscar fed the lions hippo meat by putting his hand flat against the fence so the lion would eat it without taking off one of his fingers. We also saw some eagles. Well we went in the cage with the eagles. I am freaked out by birds. I don’t know what it is. I think since they can fly maybe.. (butterflies ekk.. ) but I got over my fear and pet and eagle.
Stop 2: The mall. We stopped by the mall to get a sandwich and some rands (their currency). I ended up walking away with some oreos and sprite as well… MERICA!
Stop 3: The campsite. The campsite we are staying in for the next 2 days is in Kruger National Park! We are seriously right by the animals. One could come by anytime! The campsite is WAY better than the one from last night. The bathrooms are legit for camping! Nice shower here I come! It is kind of spooky though because the bathroom is completely open on one side.. the animal side. So when youre peeing you could look out and an animal will be staring in at you. Why hello there! Once we set up our tents (so much easier than the night before.. we will be pros at this by the end), we went to the lodge near our campsite and got wifi (1st world probs) We only had an hour on it. After that we went out by the pool at the lodge and saw some hippos by the river. They're gigantic! We went back to our campsite after this for dinner. We had a S. African dish that Cardi made for us. It was kind of like a stew with a meat similar to steak, with veggies. We sat around the fire and talked to Ellen, one of the professors, about classes and what she likes and doesn’t like about students. I mean you have the chance to ask so why not?