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South Africa Bound

What started out as a day wandering in Savannah, Georgia, ended as a day in South Africa! After my dad dropped me off at the airport with my large camping backpack (I felt legit), the nerves started to kick in. I didn't know ANYONE on this trip, I didn't even know what anyone looked like in my group since I had never met them before. Luckily I found my group and they were all very friendly! We waited in the line to check our bags, went through security, and waited at our gate. It was going smoothly until we kept waiting longer and longer. Our plane to D.C. was delayed. Uh oh. First thought in my mind was--we are going to miss our flight to Jo'burg. But luckily that didn't happen! We made it to D.C. and quickly jumped on our flight. I took a deep breathe after that. wheewwww. Now all I have to do is get through this flight.

2 hour plane ride - Savannah--> D.C

2 hour layover

8 hour plane ride- D.C. --> Senegal

1 hour wait

8 hour plane ride- Senegal--> Jo'burg




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