Hello, Giant Rock & Monkeys-- Gibraltar
I LOVED Gibraltar! For those of you who don’t know I walked across the border of Spain to land of the Brits in under 5 minutes. Take that bitches! But really… it was really cool. Also the weather from the UK followed. It was quite nippy! Especially when we started with a tunnel tour of WWII. I’m not into history, but this was fascinating! The guide was pretty cute and only 23 too. He told us to add him on facebook.. Except all I know is his name is Joel.. I’m just guessing here, but I think there are a billion other Joels out there. So asta lavista, Joel. Also just reminded me how much I loooovvvee British accents! Go Brits! After our tunnels tour we made our way up to more caves. On the way there was a jaw-dropping view of Spain out yonder! Breathtaking! Literally.. I have a cough so by the time I walked up that big ass hill I was hacking up a storm. Sorry for that information.

Following those caves we went up to where the monkeys were! (This is Gibraltar’s symbol!) We got to see them and even witness one girl’s backpack get stolen by a monkey! Haha. Sucks to suck. But really, the guide told us not to keep food on us because the monkeys will grab it and sure enough she didn’t listen to the guide! There were lots of babies too! RAWWWRR I miss Wilson! She is my baby monkey! The guide told us there are around 200 monkeys on the rock and they can have a max of 300 because the rock is too small to hold any more with comfortable living for the other animals and people. It’s actually pretty funny because we were passing a hotel and the guide said that the owner of the hotel was getting accused of people’s stuff gone missing. But, it wasn’t money or credit cards missing, in reality the monkeys came in their balconies looking for something to nibble on! Daw… I would let a monkey come chill and eat with me!

We only had about an hour of free time after that to grab lunch and head back to the ship. My friends and I went to a fish&chips place because that is about the only food the Brits can do right. (There were a lot of BK’s around on the rock… I noticed that in Spain as well. Odd. I never eat at BK in the US. Ew haha.) Then we walked through the border to get to Spain again and we were off to the ship! Now I am back on the ship doing homework and studying.. boo! But the ship is onwards to our last country: Portugal. We should be there tomorrow at 4pm!
ALSO ALSO: A nice British lady came up to me today when I was walking and she told me that I am a beautiful color. Now you know why I love the Brits. They understand that I am still pale even though I have been out in in Meditteranean sun pretty much every single day this summer and they still love my skin color. I think I should just move to the UK or Gibraltar.