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Camping Adventure in Valletta, Malta

Don’t sign up to do biking and camping in the Maltan sun. Just don’t…Unless you feel like crying and dying on the inside. This camping trip description said biking for all fitness levels with no major hills, kayaking over where St. Paul was supposedly shipwrecked, and camping (it included a pretty picture with a nice tent overlooking the ocean). What we got instead was biking up STEEP hills, kayaking in the ocean with no scenery, and camping at a trailer park.

Oh yeah, just what I wanted. We arrived at around 1pm, which is the hottest time of day. We split into two groups, one went biking (ME) and one went kayaking then we would switch the second day. So we got on the bikes and immediately we are riding on unpaved roads and up a giant hill. I wanted to shoot myself. We had been on the bike 2 minutes and we were all dying. Plus my ass started to hurt. After our bike ride we came back to the campsite and we had to put up our own tiny tents shared between 3 people. I was fine with this because after all it is camping, but they could have at least shown a true picture on the website. I mean I was expecting a big tent and overlooking the ocean. Not setting up our tents in between trailers with loud obnoxious people. Also there was no toilet paper in the toilets… luckily mommy always taught me to carry tissues! Following that we ate dinner. We had some Maltese hot dogs (which looked like a nu-way wiener) and hamburgers. They were pretty good for some camp food. If only we had s’mores as well. Nom. Then we all went to bed exhausted (except my roommate on the ship was also my roommate in my tent and she brought her stupid laptop with her.. first off who the hell brings your laptop camping and then she was typing super loudly at night in our tiny tent and even the other girl in our tent was telling her to be quiet! See, it’s not only me!!) The next morning we woke up and had some breakfast, which is a sandwich in Malta. Then we went kayaking.

It was fine going from the beach, but on the way back it was terrible. We were paddling so much and going absolutely nowhere. It sucked. Also I really wanted to see St. Paul’s Bay as promised and we weren’t even at the right beach for it. Ugh!




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