Cue Glorious Music--Athens, Greece
So today two of my friends and I took the metro (and surprisingly made it considering everything was written in Greek and the lady selling the tickets wasn't helpful...) to this hill that is supposed to have a beautiful view from the top. We hiked up the big hill, which had non-stop stairs- working those butt muscles and burning off those future icecreams! When we finally made it to the top, music started playing out of nowhere and it was like victory music. I have a video of me and my friend Janell running up the final stairs to the music and jumping at the top with a Greece flag flying in the background.. sounds like a movie right?

After we enjoyed some time up there, we left and we were trying to walk to the Plaka to have lunch. We asked multiple people and they all told us different directions to get there.. basically we were back tracking a billion times until we finally came across it. We did a little shopping and looking around and also had lunch and icecream! Woo! Except the fact that it was my last gyro of Greece :( Sad day. We headed back to the ship and now we are ITALY BOUND!