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Ya-la-la-la-yar.--Antalya, Turkey

Today I went rafting in a national park in Serik! I felt like a cool kid in my bright yellow helmet and life jacket. I think I should really wear it on a daily basis. Just kidding, I looked completely ridiculous, but that’s okay.. so did everyone else.

After getting our sexy apparel, we headed on the bus to a little area where they forced us to get into the FREEZING water to kind of get used to what we would be rafting in. It really was ice cold. My lips were chattering and my feet were numb, but it was still a great experience. We then got out rafting boats and we were all assigned a guide. Our guide was so hairy. I don’t think Ive ever seen someone with that much body hair.. ewwwww. King Kong. Haha. He was also VERY provocative. He taught us to say "f you" in Turkish and kept saying "suck my dick" when we would pass another boat. But he did teach us catchy songs! After he blabbed in Turkish we would all say “Ya-la-la-la-yar”. Who knows what he had us saying… Also so that we were paddling in sync, he said hey and we said ho. We were pros.. just kidding we got stuck on a rock and another guide from another boat had to dive in and rescue us. It was quite scary. But a hot Turkish guy saved us! After rafting for about an hour we stopped for a quick lunch break. Food in Turkey is delish! They are known for their kebabs so I had one of those and then they had fresh watermelon, which I ate an entire plate full of. Never knew I would miss watermelon so much, but it is super fresh here. We had to stuff our faces super quickly cause they kept yelling at us to get on the boats.. what about the wait 30 minutes to digest rule? So we got on the boats again and rafted down the river. Oh and when you pass another boat you “attack” them.. so you splash water at them with your paddle. Since the water was SO cold I about died. But it was fun overall. We made it back to the base camp and we were all changing and getting ready for the bus ride back to the ship. I had to pee and the only “toilet” they had were the ones you squat over (hole in the ground). Let me just tell you it sucked.. I will leave it at that. And later some girl got locked in the bathroom. So the same hot Turkish guy who saved us on the rock, kicked down the door and rescued her. Literally Haha. We all cheered.




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