What if I eat Turkey in Turkey?
We port in Antalya, Turkey tomorrow! Yay! This was our longest stretch of classes that we are ever going to have too! Double hooray. I am plannign on going to hot springs at Pammukale on the first day, visit waterfalls the second day, and white water raft the third day! Hopefully we can find the bus station to Pammukale with all the research we can't do... #nointernetprobs. Anyways, as for today, it was a pretty normal schedule will all my classes and such, except I did do something new-- I did extreme ab workout and zumba.. In fron of everyone.. on the pool deck... in the hot Mediterranean sun. It was fun though and I ended up looking like a tomatoe (don't worry mom, I wasn't burnt!) I did it with a bunch of friends too so we could laugh off the dance moves that we couldn't do. Oh and the abs was ridiculous. I about died in the first minute. Did I mention that everyone gathers around to watch? Yep. Talk about embarrassment. On another not, I'm really sad that I'm missing out on our typical fourth of July at the beach with fireworks, fried chicken, and sweet tea! Guess I will have to celebrate in my own way in Turkey! Sorry 'Merica, we will have to celebrate when I get back!