Happy Sea Olympics- May the Odds be Ever in your Favor
So today the SEA OLYMPICS took place! It was so much fun! Not only did we get a day off from classes, but we competed against other seas in an assortment of games. (each sea is a hallway on the ship.) GO RED SEA! I helped with our sea banner, played dodge ball, completed a word search, and stepped through a hula-hoop while holding hands with my teammates. We sucked at pretty much everything, but we had fun doing it and we didn’t come in last place! We actually came in 5th out of 9. Not too shabby.

My favorite event to watch was the synchronized swimming. IT WAS HILARIOUS. Especially when they had the morning of to put it together. Just imagine a bunch of college kids jumping in the pool to “under the sea” and swimming around in circles holding hands in the middle. It really was as great as it sounds. Also the ship kids competed (children of the professors). They are absolutely precious! Their cheer was “ship kids who-haha.” Like in ‘Finding Nemo’. It was great. In addition to this fabulous way to spend my day off from school, it was TACO NIGHT. HALLEJUIAH! I am not even exaggerating when I say they serve pasta and bread EVERYDAY. It is literally what I have every day, so hearing that they were serving tacos is like a huge deal. Although the shells were stale, the beef, guac, and rice were really good… and my banana that I threw in there to eat a piece of fruit. But boy do I miss La Parilla’s cheese dip with chicken and cheese quesadilla… Well now back to school work.. Paper due in a couple days in Med Art & Myth, loads of questions for my Comparitive Religion class, on top of my overall shitty World Ops Management class that no one understands.