The boat is so rocky it is making me sick. (thank goodness I haven’t thrown up or anything…) but I did take my first motion sickness pill. Blah! It was so rocky last night too that I woke up to a big boom and the picture frame on the wall came crashing down above my roomates bed. Thank goodness she didn’t get hit! That was probably our fault though cause we had taken down the picture to look at the tips from fellow past SAS students (a tradition here!) and we hung it back up, but I guess didn’t stick it to the wall enough along the sides. Other than that, we started classes today. My first class, Mediterranean Art and Myth, the professor seems really nice and chill. My next class, Comparitive Religion, the teacher seems like a toughy. We have participation points in that class and we start with 100 points and she will randomly call on you in class and if you don’t know the answer from the reading you get 30 points deducted. You can only gain them back if you volunteer. So I am reading SUPEEEERRR closely on this rockidy ship. Blahhhh! My last class is World Class Operations Management, which my professor has only taught Graduate Students.. joy. And it is an upper level course, So basically I’m screwed.

Hopefully I can survive… The store also opened today so I bought two tshirts! One is from the voyage and the other is my team color “the red sea” for sea Olympics in a couple weeks! Super pumped.