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Wimbledon: two words- AMAZING and GREEN.

It was even better than in HD on the TV. It was mowed to perfection and the flower arrangements are unbelievable. I think I want to garden now. Hmmm. When we started our tour we were told by the tour guide to stay with the group and absolutely not touch the grass or we would be kicked out of the club and never allowed back.. I really wanted to touch it just to feel it, but it didn’t happen. However this annoying foreign family (yes.. I realize I'm a foreigner too) did not listen multiple times. Dumbasses. At least they didn’t touch the grass or else the poor tour guide could have lost her job. But there was a mower and they took some grass out of the mower to feel it. Again.. dumbasses. I just wish the lady would have kicked them out. I probably would have laughed and taken a picture.. Anyways, the tour led us to centre court and around the grounds and to the press conference area, where we saw where they shoot the interviews after they play. They just got new chairs because Wimbledon starts soon. Fancy Smancy.

Mexican restaurant experience in England: We went to this place that wasn’t really a Mexican place, but more of like a Chili’s but it had a Mexican name. It was so weird, but they brought us POPCORN as a started like you would have chips at a Mexican restaurant at home. Popcorn. Yes, it was so weird, but mom and I ate it anyways. Ha!

Bus of death: if you wanna die in London, then just ride a bus. In less than an hour we almost hit a man, drove up the wrong way on the road, drove on the curb, and tailgated so badly we almost hit a Maserati. I was so scared… Then the man was talking to himself.. Uhh.. But we made it. Thank goodness. Now in the hotel and leaving tomorrow to head to the ship. Excited but nervous! I am ready to set sail though and start my adventure of a lifetime!




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