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My London London Bridge Wanna Go Down

Eight hour flight completed, we finally landed in London. We got our passports stamped, which took FOREVER by the way. A car was waiting for us to go to Victoria, where our hotel is. It was a Mercedes van, which I soon found out Mercedes isn’t a big deal here, it is an everyday sight to see one, actually the majority of all the cars are Mercedes or BMW. The car ride was super scary.. not only are the cars all on the opposite side of the road, but the lights are so confusing. They go from red to yellow to green and show arrows instead of just the colored green circle telling you to go (the majority of them). Point is I could never drive in London.. way too confusing! Also I found it funny how on the streets it is painted on the ground saying “Look to the left” or “Look to the right” so no tourists get hit by an oncoming bus, car, or bike… which we almost did.. a few times. Cue the mean girls quote “and that is how Regina George died”.

After we got out of the car, the man put our bags on the steps of the hotel, but he didn’t see the ‘wet paint’ sign.. So my bag is now covered in tan paint.. yeah, it’s a navy bag. But Whatever, I mean it’s just a duffle so It’s not the end of the world. Once we checked in, although exhausted, there was no time for sleep. We started walking and once I saw a BRITISH POODLE, I automatically knew I would love it here.

We eventually reached Westminster Abbey, London Eye, and other touristy sites. Following that, we took a boat on the Thames River to the Tower of London. Of course once we were on the boat already we realized that the Tower of London had already closed.. oops! So we have to go back later and check that out. We walked back from Tower of London to the hotel, with a few stops along the way. We saw St. Paul’s Cathedral, which was beautiful and we lit a candle. Then we stopped at a local pub to have some fish & chips with a beer. I normally can’t stand beer, but I decided to try it again to see if London beer was any better. Nope. No it’s not.

So after our long day and being awake for 30 hours and counting, we are chilling in the hotel room ready to go to bed. haha. See you manana, London.

P.S. The name of the concierge is Juan. A British man named Juan.




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