My Top 3 "Must Eat" Lobster Joints near Acadia National Park
Two words: Stretchy pants. You’re going to need them after all the lobstah Maine has to offer. Specifically near Acadia National Park....

Bibs on, Butter Melted, Get Crackin'-- Acadia National Park, Maine
We started off our second day in Acadia with a hike up the south bubble trail to bubble rock. Bubble rock is a 50-ton boulder sitting...

Bar Harbor, Maine
We started the day off in Acadia National Park by driving the Park Loop Road, which is a 27-mile road that hits the main sites in Acadia....

Lobstah This, Lobstah That--Maine
We got an early start on the road to Maine from Massachusetts, but first had to go through New Hampshire. As soon as we crossed the state...

2 Girls, 10 Days, 36 Hours of Driving
I am getting so excited because I am going on my FIRST MAJOR ROADTRIP! I might not be saying this when the time comes to actually sitting...